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“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp” (Psalm 92:1-3)


As recorded in hundreds of verses through-out the Bible, music has always played a vital role in how we interact with our God. It works on our hearts, helping us with our joys and sorrows, while instructing us in our faith and linking us in the expression of praise and prayer to God.


The core of the musical worship at Lakeside Heights is congregational singing. We strive to incorporate the worship music of various styles and times, preserving the wisdom and understanding of past generations of believers while adding the voice of our own time and place.


While for most of LHBC's history the traditional choir was an integral part of our identity, Covid has forced us to re-imagine how best to carry on our music ministry. As we are committed to bringing the best of the old, and the best of the new, we invite musicians and singers to be part of the praise team that leads the congregation in worship through praise.  For more info, speak with the worship leader or the pastor.


The Musician’s prayer
“Lord, may the words we sing have meaning.
Lord, may the thoughts we bring have blessing.
Lord, may the gift of music lift our hearts to Thee.
And inspire our spirits, more of You to see.
Lord, in some way that only You can know,
Help each of us to trust, in faith to grow;
Serving You -this way, sharing love – this way,
In bringing joy to others may Your joy be ours today.”

Music Ministry


Welcome to Lakeside Heights Baptist Church’s website. We hope you will find the info about our church that you are looking for, and more importantly hope that you will find the Father that welcomes you home through his son, Jesus.


Sunday Service: 10:30am

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