Holy Week
The Holy Week marks the commemoration of our Lord's last week leading up to his crucifixion and three days later his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Here are the events taking place during this time of humble and holy sacrifice:
Sunday, April 14, 10:30am: Palm Sunday Worship Service @LHBC
Sunday, April 14, 7pm: WIN Prayer event: Thy Kingdom Come @Westside Gathering (see below)
Monday, April 15, 7:30pm: semi-monthly prayer meeting @LHBC
Tuesday, April 16, 7:30pm: Bible Study of Mark 14 @LHBC
Wednesday, April 17, 11:30am-1pm: Lenten Lunch, hosted by WIN (See below)
Wednesday, April 17, noon-1pm: Fast & Prayer @LHBC
Wednesday, April 17, 7pm: Choir Practice with Liz & Co. @LHBC
Thursday, April 18, 7pm: St-Timothy's Anglican Bible Church Maundy Thursday service @LHBC
Friday, April 19, 10am: Quebec Association of Baptist Churches Joint Good Friday Service @First Baptist Church (click for map)
Friday, April 19, 7pm: LHBC Good Friday Service, joint with St-Timothy's @LHBC
Sunday, April 21, 10:30am: Easter Sunday Service